Through the appointment of suitably competent persons, WAW have invested in, and are committed to, the running of a company that promotes and holds the health, safety, and wellbeing of anybody affected by its business activities at the pinnacle of everything that it does.

WAW have taken steps to ensure that there is a robust and legally compliant health and safety management system which is subject to ongoing review. A full copy of this management system is held at the WAW Academy and Performance Centre and is available at the request of any suitably authorised person.

As part of this health and safety management system, WAW have taken firm steps to ensure that there is a robust bullying, harassment, and dignity at work policy to ensure the ongoing welfare of those who work, or train, with the company. WAW are committed to the enforcement of this policy and a copy of this policy will be made readily available to any person who works for or trains with WAW.

WAW also takes the safeguarding of the young and vulnerable seriously and as such have implemented a safeguarding policy. This policy is fully endorsed and supported by WAW and its staff. This policy is available to any person who, at the discretion of WAW, has a vested interest in its content. In addition to this, WAW have appointed nominated mentors for the young and vulnerable to give an ongoing and dedicated point of contact.

Finally, WAW have implemented several control measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure the protection of those affected by company activity. WAW will enforce such measures, and will, with the assistance of a suitably qualified person, make amendments to risk assessment, policy, and procedure. Furthermore, WAW will work with the NHS Test and Trace services to assist with the identification and notification of any person who may have come into contact with a person who has been identified as being exposed to the virus. This shall be subject to continuing review of legislation, government guidance, and best practice.
